Iberdigest wishes everybody encouragement and strength
In these though moments we are living due to COVID-19, Iberdigest wishes everybody encouragement and strength.
In these though moments we are living due to COVID-19, Iberdigest wishes everybody encouragement and strength.
We have extended our office and new members have joined us to keep improving our services daily.
Due to COVID-19, many performances and events have been cancelled. We will update our future participations once new events calendar will be published.
We shall attend the GULFOOD from 16th till 20st of February 2020.
Vamos a estar presentes como visitantes en GULFOOD 2020 del domingo 16/02 hasta el martes 20/02.
Nous participons au GULFOOD comme visiteur du dimanche 16/02/20 au mardi 20/02/20.
Toute l’équipe d’Iberdigest vous souhaite un Joyeux Noel et une bonne année El equipo Iberdigest os desea una feliz Navidad y un feliz año nuevo L’equip d’Iberdigest us desitja un feliç Nadal i un bon any nou The Iberdigest team wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
We shall attend the SIAL from sunday 21 till thursday 25/10/18.
We shall attend the SIAL from Wednesday 16/04 until Friday 18/05/18.